A change log of the Kringle Tracker Application

2 years ago

New Lead Widget Settings are now available!
These settings will help you customize your lead widget to match your brand. Head to your Account Settings to see all the options available.
Head here for more information: Lead Widget Settings


New Widget Settings

2 years ago

Several Updated and enhancements on the Lead Widget


We now ask for a street address on the lead widget from your potential client. This field is optional for them


We saw several reports about leads not choosing hte proper time for their event. We have changed the calendar and time chooser for the end user. This should help increase the proper date and time selections for their event.


The lead widget itself was updated to a mobile friendly version so all fields display within a mobile device nicely. This should help conversion of leads. Try it out here on the Kringle Tracker Demo Account


The widget form and step process was re-arranged to make better use of the layout and organized the fields in a consistent manner


The Lead section with the application has been updated with a new layout on the Lead List and when creating/updating a lead from within the application.


The form was laid out to bring the lead name and contact information to the top of the screen so it is more easily findable.The Lead section with the application has been updated with a new layout on the Lead List and when creating/updating a lead from within the application.


The lead list was re-formatted to allow more information to be shown when in the mobile view.


All of the event information is now grouped together with the event start date and time mimicking the widget so it is easily readable.


There were a couple of fixes where leads didn't add properly and weren't updating - these have been addressed and updated appropriately


There was a bug when you converted the lead to a client the system would create the client with the "FirstName" and "LastName" as the full lead name. We added a fix to correct this so the name should appear in your client list more consistently.


We added several under-the-hood improvements in the background to help the stability and error catching. There was also groundwork laid for upcoming features.

2 years ago

We released some updates to the User Interface.
You'll see the new dark header and this header will be contextual and will change wherever you are within the application. This bar will also show you any subsections within the area you are in.
As an example, the Client Detail screen will now show you 3 sub sections: Client Information, Contacts, and Communications.
The client screens were updated to make the information easier to read, find and added some contextual help information within the forms and screens. There was form validation added on these screens to assist in filling out required fields.
There were several small bugs within the Clients area that were addressed with this update.


Sub Navigation - Header


Client Information Screens Updated


Client Module - bugs

2 years ago

We have released some new account settings for you to use to customize your emails, contracts and lead widget.
If you are having an issue with your profile settings, try logging out and back in.

Account Images

There are a total of 3 images you may use on your account. A Profile Image, Company Logo and Company Icon. These can be used to customize your emails, contracts and lead widget.

  • On the invoice and contract email the Header of the email will use your Company Logo. If the logo is not available, it will use your profile image and company name side by side. If your profile image is not available, your account name will be shown at the top of the email.
  • On your Lead Widget, your company logo will be shown with text next to it using your company name. If your company logo is not available the profile image will be displayed with the text. If the profile image is not available, no image is shown. If your company name is not available a generic message is shown.

There were also a few minor improvements to the User Interface included with this update.


The Company Logo: This images is used in the footer of the email next to your company name and address. Recommended size is 100px X 100px.


The Company Logo: This image is used as the header in the emails for invoices and contracts and is also used in the header of the lead widget. Recommended size is 100px in height X 400px in width.


The Profile Image: This image is the original image we had on the account settings and is used as a fallback image if the Company Logo and the Company Icon is not available in certain areas. The Profile Image is a locked to a 1:1 aspect ratio.


Minor UI Improvements

2 years ago

We released a series of small bug fixes:


Invoice data (Terms, Due Date, etc) were editable after the invoice was considered 'open'


When creating an invoice from the event information screen, the client was not properly being set


Invoice Terms were not properly saving when updating an invoice


ImprovementThe "Report Bug" tab - it was showing on the lead widget it now is hidden on all pages except for within the application

2 years ago

A series of minor enhancements was released on 4/4/2023.
This should improve the stability and navigation within the application.


Stability Improvements

2 years ago

We have started building out a knowledge base to help you use the Kringle Tracker Software. There are some articles created and we will be adding more as time goes on.

Please check it out and bookmark it!
Kringle Tracker Knowledgebase


Knowledge Base

2 years ago

Contracts and Contract Templates are now available for use.

Pre-defined contract templates are available for you to copy and adjust to your liking.

Once you create your contract Template you'll be able to use it for all of your events so you don't have to type it up for every event. Head over to your event, select the "Contracts" tab above your event and the system will walk you through the steps to add the contract to your event.




Contract templates

2 years ago

Exciting news today, we are starting a public changelog so you are always up to date with all the changes, improvements and fixes that are made in Kringle Tracker.

Even though we work on Kringle Tracker all the time, sometimes it may seem that not much is happening. This changelog is here to improve that very important part of the communication between you and us.
You'll always receive an update when we change something in the widget, or in needed all things we've changed is available on our public changelog page.


Change Log